Mannheim / Deutschland

2015 – 2022

Taking into account aspects specific to residential developments the project clearly expresses the architectural and landscape qualities defined by the urban masterplanning guidelines for this area of the city. Drawing on the heterogeneous building fabric of the existing neighborhood the new block, entitled T5, has distinctly vertical silhouette with 10 highly individual apartment buildings. These make a rich architectural contribution to the city and offer a diverse range ofapartment types necessary to support a good social mix within the neighborhood.

A ground floor café provides a communal focus, which plays an important role in enlivening the new plaza.

Each of the ten buildings of TENon5 addresses the central courtyard through a series of balconies, loggia and terraces connecting the residential units with the generously landscaped gardens. This is the heart of the new urban quarter, a space that promotes communication in a unique and vibrant urban living room.

Urban Blocks Development

Redevelopment Area - Eastern Lower City

The surrounding urban fabric is characterized by the city’s orthogonal grid, with urban blocks from different historical periods. Although predominantly residential the appearance is distinctly heterogeneous. Together with the parallel redevelopment of the neighbouring block, T5 is to provide an important new focal point in the Eastern Lower City, affecting the character of the entire district.

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 have developed a varied mix of buildings on differently sized parcels. The individual buildings have a deliberately differentiated external appearance. In this manner, a sense of city repair can be achieved with small-scale and highly articulated buildings.

As in the case of traditional turn-of-the-20thcentury townhouses, which have „matured“ over time to accommodate different patterns of use, the floorplans within T5 are designed to allow for ease of adaption with individual configurations flexible forms of occupancy.Our aim is to replicate the “freedom” associated with the well-cut townhouse and reinterpret this in the new development.


Differentiated Façades & Silhouettes
Individual mailing addresses as a home by the users and correspond to the high quality of inner city living. Different facade materials, exposed masonry, plaster and timber cladding with differently proportioned window openings, set-backs and projections contribute to the new and varied image of the transformed city block.

Urban Living: The Green Living Room

The quality of the individual gardens provide an oasis of tranquility within a dense urban environment

The new urban block is characterized by its intensive landscaping strategy.Here the roof forms have an essential role to play.Trees and shrubs planted along the rooftop terraces facing the surrounding streets make an important contribution to the external appearance of the block. The generous landscaping will have a hugely beneficial effect on the microclimate in the district especially on hot summer days.

Towards the courtyard the stepped forms of the roof terraces extend down to the third floor. It is envisaged that these areas with their trees, hedges, shrubs and lawns will be used intensively in a sustainable and highly recognisable roofscape. The penthouse apartments are clearly set back from the site perimeter; their forms are developed largely free of the constraints on the buildings below. The result is a rich and varied roofscape taking clues from the ridges and slopes of the surrounding buildings.

Short Facts
City of Mannheim / Germany
Planing Team
Architect haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050

Structural Engineering, Competition
 Knippers & Helbig – Stuttgart / Germany

Structural Engineering, Project
Ingenieurbüro Bogenschütz – Stuttgart/ Germany

Energy Concept
Transsolar Energietechnik – Stuttgart / Germany

Mechanical Services / Electrical Engineering
JICHA Ingenieurbüro für Haustechnik – Neidendsten / Germany

Building Physics
BBI - Bayer Bauphysik Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH – Fellbach / Germany

Fire Protection Consultants
IB Nolte - Ingenieurbüro für Brandschutz – Steinheim/Murr / Germany
15,300 m2 GFA


Boris Rüther

Architekt, Assoziierter

Boris begann sein Studium im schwäbischen Biberach (DE). Nach Zwischenstopps in Luzern (CH) und Berlin (DE) absolvierte er an der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart (DE) den Master of Arts.

Neben der Planung und dem Mitwirken beim Umbau des CAD-labs an der Kunstakademie, engagierte sich Boris während seines Studiums auch an der Planung und Realisierung der Ausstellungsskulptur für die 250-jährige Jubiläumsausstellung „Voila" in der Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. In den Architekturbüros HASCHER JEHLE Architektur, Berlin und Kauffmann Theilig & Partner, Stuttgart sammelte Boris Praxiserfahrung.

Nach dem Studium hat Boris das neu gegründete STUDIO2050 fasziniert. Hier arbeitete er an Wettbewerben wie der Erweiterung des Mercedes Benz Campus in Stuttgart und dem Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki, Finnland. Das Empfangsgebäude der Firma Schmalz in Glatten (DE) war sein erstes realisiertes Hochbau-Projekt, auf das er nicht nur wegen der Auszeichnung "Beispielhaftes Bauen“ der Architektenkammer stolz sein kann.

Boris betreut derzeit den Bau der Radstation in Tübingen sowie das Stampflehmhaus in Heilbronn.


Rammed earth residential house in Heilbronn, Germany

Rammed earth residential house in Heilbronn, Germany

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 are planing a rammed earth residential house at the Neckarbogen in Heilbronn, Germany.
Bike Station with a Cafe at Europaplatz

Bike Station with a Cafe at Europaplatz

Bike Station with a Cafe at Europaplatz in Tübingen / Germany
Mercedes Benz Cultural Center

Mercedes Benz Cultural Center

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 won 3rd prize for the Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center in Bejing, China


Eine elfköpfige Jury hat unter 1715 eingereichten Entwürfen aus 77 Nationen sechs Finalisten ausgewählt. Als einziges deutsches Büro war haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 mit dabei!
Residential and Nursing Home, Rheinstetten, Germany

Residential and Nursing Home, Rheinstetten, Germany

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 has won first place in the investor and architectural design competition for the B1-Parcel in the new urban centre of Rheinstetten.
Reception Building for J. Schmalz GmbH

Reception Building for J. Schmalz GmbH

The new reception building for J. Schmalz GmbH was built at the company’s headquarters, located in Glatten, Germany. The project was planned in collaboration with Werner Sobek.
Mercedes-Benz Campus

Mercedes-Benz Campus

The Mercedes-Benz Campus is intended as the crowning element of Stuttgart’s Neckarpark. “High Tech – High Nature”. What better symbolizes a worthwhile future? The lake in the centre of the campus serves as an energy engine; its role is to help in making aspects of renewable energy understandable. With the "Wave" and other public activities, the visitor himself is encouraged to be part of the spectacle. We have the responsibility for shaping our future ourselves! Both the Campus and the Future Center therefore do not focus on objects, but on people; their movement, their behaviour and their ambitions, people undertaking research, experimenting and sharing their experience in striving to develop a better future.
Al Mawalih Souk of Life

Al Mawalih Souk of Life

The Children’s Center is an important step in the revival of the AL Mawalih Souk of Life. It is a place for the entire family. A library, a small theatre, and a cafe defined by picnic niches, reading and creative areas offer a wide range of amenities. haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 have, together with the specialist consultants Transsolar KlimaEngineering, developed a wide-ranging sustainable strategy combining state-of-the-art technology with local traditions and materials, thus enabling the abandonment of central air conditioning.


haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 has prevailed in an international design competition with 29 competing teams. The competition included a community participation process. "The design proposal is convincing in terms of urban planning with 10 clearly legible parcels occupied by highly individual buildings offering a wide range of residential opportunities.

David Cook

Partner Freier Architekt, BA (hons), Dip. Arch (dist), RIBA, BDA

Als Projektpartner bei Behnisch Architekten war David Cook von 1995-2005 verantwortlich für das Harbourside Center (Konzert- und Tanztheater) in Bristol, Großbritannien, das Dänische Nationalarchiv (NPAC) in Kopenhagen, Dänemark, sowie für das Terrence Donnelly Center für zelluläre und biomolekulare Forschung (TDDCBR) an der Universität von Toronto, Kanada. Als Partner bei Behnisch Architekten zwischen 2005-2012 war David Cook verantwortlich für die Hilde-Domin-Schule in Herrenberg, das Nationalzentrum für Tumorerkrankungen (NCT) in Heidelberg, die Schwetzinger-Terrasse-Kindertagesstätte in Heidelberg, sowie für das Gebäude des Hauptsitzes King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD) in Riyadh, Saudi-Arabien. Er hat an einer Vielzahl von Campus- / Masterplaning-Projekten gearbeitet, darunter UC Dublin, Irland und der Sanierung des Lower Don in Toronto, Kanada. David Cook war auch Co-Kurator der sehr erfolgreichen Wanderausstellung "Ökologie, Design, Synergie" durch Deutschland.

Nach 6 Jahren der Partnerschaft gründet Cook, zusammen mit Martin Haas und Stephan Zemmrich, im April 2012 sein eigenes Büro haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 mit Projekten im In- und Ausland.

David Cook war Belluschi-Gastprofessor für Architektur an der Universität von Oregon, USA. Er pflegt weiterhin eine enge Beziehung zu der Universität und kehrt regelmäßig für Gastvorträge an die Universität zurück.


Leibniz Innovation Centre for Sustainable Bioeconomy

Leibniz Innovation Centre for Sustainable Bioeconomy

An exemplary project for building with recycled materials and circular construction
Königstraße 1ab

Königstraße 1ab

An exemplary project for the reuse of components and materials


Campus HafenCity

Campus HafenCity





haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 are awarded the contract for the VielArten building community project in Tübingen
Rammed earth residential house in Heilbronn, Germany

Rammed earth residential house in Heilbronn, Germany

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 are planing a rammed earth residential house at the Neckarbogen in Heilbronn, Germany.
Smart Mobility Hub

Smart Mobility Hub

With the Smart Mobility Hub, an innovative, mixed-use building is being created in the heart of Stuttgart that will incorporate sustainable mobility, city logistics and sharing concepts, among other things.
Elementary School and Kindergarden in Bremen

Elementary School and Kindergarden in Bremen

First place for haascookzemmrich STUDIO 2050
Berliner Platz

Berliner Platz

First place for haascookzemmrich STUDIO 2050

Elisabeth Wiest


Nach ihrer Schullaufbahn an der Waldorfschule und einem Work&Holiday-Jahr in Australien studierte Elisabeth an der Hochschule Biberach (DE) Architektur. Dort absolvierte sie nach diversen Praktika und einem Auslandssemester an der UPV Valencia (ES) ihren Master of Arts mit dem Abschlussthema "New Work".

Während der Studienzeit forschte Elisabeth additiv als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Institut für Städtebau und Architektur der Hochschule Biberach an einem Forschungsprojekt zur CO2-Minderung in der Stadt, sammelte wichtige Praxiserfahrung an den renommierten Stuttgarter Büros wulf architekten sowie Kilian+Partner und arbeitete für das Fraunhofer-Institut IAO in Stuttgart (DE) an einer Kurzstudie zum Thema „urban production".

Seit 2015 arbeitet Elisabeth als Architektin für haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050.

Zu ihren bisherigen Tätigkeiten zählen unter anderem die Mitarbeit an der Werkplanung des Innenausbaus für die Musikschule Ventspils (LV), dem Wohnungsbauprojekt Quartier T5 in Mannheim (DE), welches sie seit Planungsbeginn an Projektarchitektin begleitet und die Projektleitung bei Franklin in Mannheim (DE). Aktuell ist sie Teil des Planungsteams für das Besucherzentrum Rapunzel in Legau (DE)


Rapunzel Naturkost Visitor Center

Rapunzel Naturkost Visitor Center

Visiting Rapunzel: haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 is planning the new Visitor Center for the head quarters of the organic manufacturer Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH in Legau.
Franklin Hochpunkt_H

Franklin Hochpunkt_H

As part of the redevelopment of the Franklin Barracks in Mannheim four separate towers are planned in the distinctive form of letter-shaped buildings. haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 has been appointed for the high-rise „H“.


haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 has prevailed in an international design competition with 29 competing teams. The competition included a community participation process. "The design proposal is convincing in terms of urban planning with 10 clearly legible parcels occupied by highly individual buildings offering a wide range of residential opportunities.

Hanxiao Liu

Han hat an der University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada) mit Major in Mechanical Engineering studiert. Sein Master in Architecture und dem Certificate in Landscape Studies hat er an der University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia (USA) erworben. Während und nach seinem Studium war Han in mehreren Büros in Canada, den USA und China tätig. Unter anderem arbeitete er bei Environmental Control and Safety Engineering in Burnaby, Canada, MCW Consultants (Vancouver), ABB Robotics Division (Shanghai), sowie SOM in New York, USA. Han hat den angesehenen Arthur Spayed Brooke Memorial Award erworben.

Seit 2012 arbeitet Han als Architekt und Projektleiter für haascookzemmrichSTUDIO2050. Zu seinem bisherigen Tätigkeiten zählt die Mitarbeit an Wettbewerben (u.a. Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki, Deutsches Pavilion für die Expo in Mailand, Italien, Mercedes-Benz Campus in Stuttgart, sowie Smichov Residential Area in Prag) und an folgenden Projekten: Fragrant Hill Residences in Beijing, China; Global Geometry Office, Hamburg; Musikschule und Konzertsaal in Ventspils, Lettland, sowie TenON 5 Stadtquartier in Mannheim.

Seit 2017 ist Han für unsere Niederlassung in Shanghai verantwortlich.


Xiang'on - "Valley of Light"

Xiang'on - "Valley of Light"

Regional Music School and Concert Hall

Regional Music School and Concert Hall

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 will be completing the planning and construction of the Concert Hall and Music School in Ventspils. Construction started in Fall 2016. The opening is scheduled for 2019 in celebration of Latvia's 100th anniversary.
Mercedes Benz Cultural Center

Mercedes Benz Cultural Center

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 won 3rd prize for the Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center in Bejing, China


Eine elfköpfige Jury hat unter 1715 eingereichten Entwürfen aus 77 Nationen sechs Finalisten ausgewählt. Als einziges deutsches Büro war haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 mit dabei!
Fragrant Hill, Beijing, China

Fragrant Hill, Beijing, China

At the foot of the Fragrant Hills in north-eastern Beijing haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 has developed plans for a new residential district. In addition to the 120,000 sqm of residential floor space the development includes the highly distinctive „House of Sustainability“ which will house a permanent exhibition, showcasing methods of sustainable construction. Fragrant Hills is intended as a unique project for Beijing and will serve as a critical reference for the use of renewable resources and showcasing methods of building with regenerative materials.
Mercedes-Benz Campus

Mercedes-Benz Campus

The Mercedes-Benz Campus is intended as the crowning element of Stuttgart’s Neckarpark. “High Tech – High Nature”. What better symbolizes a worthwhile future? The lake in the centre of the campus serves as an energy engine; its role is to help in making aspects of renewable energy understandable. With the "Wave" and other public activities, the visitor himself is encouraged to be part of the spectacle. We have the responsibility for shaping our future ourselves! Both the Campus and the Future Center therefore do not focus on objects, but on people; their movement, their behaviour and their ambitions, people undertaking research, experimenting and sharing their experience in striving to develop a better future.
Holstenhof – Geometry Global

Holstenhof – Geometry Global

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 have designed new office spaces for the international advertising agency Geometry Global in a 19th century Art Nouveau Building in Hamburg’s Holstenhof.


haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 has prevailed in an international design competition with 29 competing teams. The competition included a community participation process. "The design proposal is convincing in terms of urban planning with 10 clearly legible parcels occupied by highly individual buildings offering a wide range of residential opportunities.

Nadia Picotti




haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 has prevailed in an international design competition with 29 competing teams. The competition included a community participation process. "The design proposal is convincing in terms of urban planning with 10 clearly legible parcels occupied by highly individual buildings offering a wide range of residential opportunities.

Nunzia Moschetta




haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 has prevailed in an international design competition with 29 competing teams. The competition included a community participation process. "The design proposal is convincing in terms of urban planning with 10 clearly legible parcels occupied by highly individual buildings offering a wide range of residential opportunities.

Stephan Zemmrich


Stephan Zemmrich hat nach seiner Ausbildung als Tischler in Delft und in Stuttgart Architektur studiert. Nach Tätigkeiten in Rotterdam und Indien bei dem späteren Pritzker Preisträger Balkrishna Doshi, war Stephan Zemmrich seit 2005 in Behnisch Architekten als Architekt und Projektleiter tätig. Neben dem Unilever Gebäude in Hamburg ist hier auch das Dorotheenquartier Stuttgart zu nennen bei dem Zemmrich für den Wettbewerbsentwurf und den Projektstart verantwortlich zeichnet. 

2012 hat sich Stephan Zemmrich mit Martin Haas und David Cook selbständig gemacht und das Büro haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 gegründet.


Leibniz Innovation Centre for Sustainable Bioeconomy

Leibniz Innovation Centre for Sustainable Bioeconomy

An exemplary project for building with recycled materials and circular construction
Königstraße 1ab

Königstraße 1ab

An exemplary project for the reuse of components and materials


The new corporate headquarters of Enercity in Hanover, designed by haas cook zemmrich STUDIO2050, has been opened.


Campus HafenCity

Campus HafenCity





haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 are awarded the contract for the VielArten building community project in Tübingen
Rammed earth residential house in Heilbronn, Germany

Rammed earth residential house in Heilbronn, Germany

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 are planing a rammed earth residential house at the Neckarbogen in Heilbronn, Germany.
Smart Mobility Hub

Smart Mobility Hub

With the Smart Mobility Hub, an innovative, mixed-use building is being created in the heart of Stuttgart that will incorporate sustainable mobility, city logistics and sharing concepts, among other things.
Elementary School and Kindergarden in Bremen

Elementary School and Kindergarden in Bremen

First place for haascookzemmrich STUDIO 2050