Experimenta Heilbronn, Germany


As a prelude to the Neckarbogen the new and existing buildings create a distinct ensemble, where landscape and the urban fabric merge.

The new building occupies an important juncture within the urban structure. The distinctive horizontal curves of this museum extension mediate between the landscape of the National Garden Exhibition and the historic city centre.

The museum extension is characterized by displaying its contents rather than through traditional means such as horizontal or vertical accents. The respective elements of the Experimenta are simply presented on a raised platform.

The new Experimenta is literally gushing with energy and ideas with young researchers breaking out and creating space for themselves.The roof serves as a field for innovation, provoking curiosity amongst the visitors.The marble-like forms of the Biosphere and the „Talent Incubators“ emerge on the roof, to be surrounded by colorful fields of planting. The future is clearly visible above the treetops, with the new addition to the city skyline drawing in new talent from afar.

The Experimenta as a showcase.

Short Facts
Awarding Authority
Dieter Schwarz Foundation, gemeinnützige GmbH
Planing Team
Architect haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050

Energy Concept
Transsolar – Stuttgart / Germany

Structural Engineering
Schlaich, Bergermann & Partner – Stuttgart / Germany

Landscape Architecture 
Atelier Dreiseitl – Überlingen / Germany
2013 / Finalist
10,000 m2


David Correa


Xiang'on - "Valley of Light"

Xiang'on - "Valley of Light"

Regional Music School and Concert Hall

Regional Music School and Concert Hall

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 will be completing the planning and construction of the Concert Hall and Music School in Ventspils. Construction started in Fall 2016. The opening is scheduled for 2019 in celebration of Latvia's 100th anniversary.


Eine elfköpfige Jury hat unter 1715 eingereichten Entwürfen aus 77 Nationen sechs Finalisten ausgewählt. Als einziges deutsches Büro war haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 mit dabei!
Experimenta  Heilbronn, Germany

Experimenta Heilbronn, Germany

Visitors are greeted with a welcoming gesture. The building opens to all sides, embracing the outdoor space as an integral part of the distinctly exploratory architecture. The extension of the Experimenta floats above the forecourt, before the view of the visitor opens into a fantastic, multi-storey foyer. The cocoon-like forms of the TALENT INCUBATORS emerge as over-sized sculptures through the roof. Weaving between them is the orange space-time spiral, leading into the courtyard of the special exhibition, before diving underneath the forecourt and into the existing building.

Eduardo Martín Rodríguez


Eduardo hat in Madrid (Universidad Politécnica) und Weimar (Bauhaus) Architektur studiert. Während seinem Studium war er unter anderem in „3GOffice“ und „Gazapo & Marquerie arquitectos“ in Madrid tätig.

Eduardo arbeitet als Architekt bei haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 seit 2013. Zu seinem bisherigen Tätigkeiten zählt die Mitarbeit an Wettbewerben (u.a. Merecedes Benz Campus in Stuttgart), sowie die Werkplanung für verschiedene Projekte: Schmalz Empfangsgebäude in Glatten (2014-2015), Alnatura Arbeitswelt in Darmstadt (2016-2017) und ein Logistikzentrum in Walldorf (2018).




The project "Promega Under One Roof" unites all functional areas and subsidiaries of Promega Corp under a new single roof. Currently these functions are spread under different buildings in Mannheim.
Mercedes Benz Cultural Center

Mercedes Benz Cultural Center

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 won 3rd prize for the Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center in Bejing, China
Franklin Hochpunkt_H

Franklin Hochpunkt_H

As part of the redevelopment of the Franklin Barracks in Mannheim four separate towers are planned in the distinctive form of letter-shaped buildings. haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 has been appointed for the high-rise „H“.
Experimenta  Heilbronn, Germany

Experimenta Heilbronn, Germany

Visitors are greeted with a welcoming gesture. The building opens to all sides, embracing the outdoor space as an integral part of the distinctly exploratory architecture. The extension of the Experimenta floats above the forecourt, before the view of the visitor opens into a fantastic, multi-storey foyer. The cocoon-like forms of the TALENT INCUBATORS emerge as over-sized sculptures through the roof. Weaving between them is the orange space-time spiral, leading into the courtyard of the special exhibition, before diving underneath the forecourt and into the existing building.
Reception Building for J. Schmalz GmbH

Reception Building for J. Schmalz GmbH

The new reception building for J. Schmalz GmbH was built at the company’s headquarters, located in Glatten, Germany. The project was planned in collaboration with Werner Sobek.
Mercedes-Benz Campus

Mercedes-Benz Campus

The Mercedes-Benz Campus is intended as the crowning element of Stuttgart’s Neckarpark. “High Tech – High Nature”. What better symbolizes a worthwhile future? The lake in the centre of the campus serves as an energy engine; its role is to help in making aspects of renewable energy understandable. With the "Wave" and other public activities, the visitor himself is encouraged to be part of the spectacle. We have the responsibility for shaping our future ourselves! Both the Campus and the Future Center therefore do not focus on objects, but on people; their movement, their behaviour and their ambitions, people undertaking research, experimenting and sharing their experience in striving to develop a better future.
Al Mawalih Souk of Life

Al Mawalih Souk of Life

The Children’s Center is an important step in the revival of the AL Mawalih Souk of Life. It is a place for the entire family. A library, a small theatre, and a cafe defined by picnic niches, reading and creative areas offer a wide range of amenities. haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 have, together with the specialist consultants Transsolar KlimaEngineering, developed a wide-ranging sustainable strategy combining state-of-the-art technology with local traditions and materials, thus enabling the abandonment of central air conditioning.
Alnatura Campus

Alnatura Campus

Open, simple, sustainable, and people-orientated describes the newly constructed building of Alnatura Working Environment.

Heinrich Huber


Experimenta  Heilbronn, Germany

Experimenta Heilbronn, Germany

Visitors are greeted with a welcoming gesture. The building opens to all sides, embracing the outdoor space as an integral part of the distinctly exploratory architecture. The extension of the Experimenta floats above the forecourt, before the view of the visitor opens into a fantastic, multi-storey foyer. The cocoon-like forms of the TALENT INCUBATORS emerge as over-sized sculptures through the roof. Weaving between them is the orange space-time spiral, leading into the courtyard of the special exhibition, before diving underneath the forecourt and into the existing building.

Martin Haas

Partner Freier Architekt BDA / Miller Chair University of Pennsylvania

Martin Haas hat in Stuttgart und London Architektur studiert. Von 1995-2012 war Martin Haas bei Behnisch Architekten tätig. Nach dem Gewinn einiger Wettbewerbe war er unter anderem von 1996-2002 mit Jörn Genkel als Projektleiter für die NORD/LB in Hannover verantwortlich. Danach arbeitete Haas an internationalen Projekten in Dubai, Italien und Frankreich bevor er 2005 Partner in Behnisch Architekten wurde. Als Partner war Martin Haas verantwortlich für das Stadtentwicklungsprojekt Riverparc in Pittsburgh, für Labor und Büroprojekte in Paris, für das Haus im Haus in der Handelskammer Hamburg, die Unilever Zentrale und den Marco Polo Tower in Hamburg, sowie für das Ozeaneum in Stralsund. Martin Haas war auch Co-Kurator der sehr erfolgreichen Wanderausstellung "Ökologie, Design, Synergie".

Den Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit legt Haas auf die Entwicklung innovativer, nachhaltiger Architektur. Nach 6 Jahren der Partnerschaft gründet Haas, zusammen mit David Cook und Stephan Zemmrich im April 2012 sein eigenes Büro haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 mit Projekten im In und Ausland.

Als Mitbegründer des DGNB ist Martin Haas Mitglied des Präsidiums, und seit 2013 deren Vizepräsident.Seit 2008 hat er eine Gastprofessur and der University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA sowie an der Universita di Sassari in Italien inne.

Martin Haas ist Mitglied des Gestaltungsbeirats in Konstanz und Offenburg. Seit 2020 ist er ehrenamtliches Mitglied des Konvents der Baukultur.


Leibniz Innovation Centre for Sustainable Bioeconomy

Leibniz Innovation Centre for Sustainable Bioeconomy

An exemplary project for building with recycled materials and circular construction
Königstraße 1ab

Königstraße 1ab

An exemplary project for the reuse of components and materials


Campus HafenCity

Campus HafenCity



Rapunzel Naturkost Visitor Center

Rapunzel Naturkost Visitor Center

Visiting Rapunzel: haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 is planning the new Visitor Center for the head quarters of the organic manufacturer Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH in Legau.


haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 are awarded the contract for the VielArten building community project in Tübingen
Rammed earth residential house in Heilbronn, Germany

Rammed earth residential house in Heilbronn, Germany

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 are planing a rammed earth residential house at the Neckarbogen in Heilbronn, Germany.
Smart Mobility Hub

Smart Mobility Hub

With the Smart Mobility Hub, an innovative, mixed-use building is being created in the heart of Stuttgart that will incorporate sustainable mobility, city logistics and sharing concepts, among other things.
Elementary School and Kindergarden in Bremen

Elementary School and Kindergarden in Bremen

First place for haascookzemmrich STUDIO 2050

Yohhei Kawasaki


Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss seines Studiums im Fach Materials Engineering in Japan, war Yohhei als Produktdesigner / technischer Zeichner in Japan tätig. Nach zwei Jahren Berufserfahrung als Produktdesigner studierte er Architektur BA und MA in Stuttgart (DE). Während und nach seinem Studium war Yohhei in mehreren Büros in Süddeutschland tätig. Unter anderem arbeitete er für LAVA in Stuttgart.

Bei haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 ist Yohhei seit 2013 als Architekt angestellt. Yohhei verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrungen mit Designwettbewerben, darunter das Mercedes Benz Cultural Center, Beijing, China, und die Grundschule Sodenmatt in Bremen.

Zu seinen bisherigen Tätigkeiten zählt auch die Mitarbeit für das Projekt Alnatura Campus in Darmstadt und die Mitarbeit beim Rapunzel Besucherzentrum in Legau, sowie die Projektleitung für das Projekt Smichov City, Sever Prag, Tchechoslowakei und das Kaldewei Innovationszentrum in Aalen, Deutschland.

Seit 2020 ist Yohhei für das Projekt Berliner Platz in Hamburg tätig und unterstützt seit 2023 das Projekt Stampflehmhaus Heilbronn und seit 2024 das Projekt Königstraße 1ab.


Königstraße 1ab

Königstraße 1ab

An exemplary project for the reuse of components and materials
Rapunzel Naturkost Visitor Center

Rapunzel Naturkost Visitor Center

Visiting Rapunzel: haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 is planning the new Visitor Center for the head quarters of the organic manufacturer Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH in Legau.
Elementary School and Kindergarden in Bremen

Elementary School and Kindergarden in Bremen

First place for haascookzemmrich STUDIO 2050
Berliner Platz

Berliner Platz

First place for haascookzemmrich STUDIO 2050
Smichov City – Sever

Smichov City – Sever

Experimenta  Heilbronn, Germany

Experimenta Heilbronn, Germany

Visitors are greeted with a welcoming gesture. The building opens to all sides, embracing the outdoor space as an integral part of the distinctly exploratory architecture. The extension of the Experimenta floats above the forecourt, before the view of the visitor opens into a fantastic, multi-storey foyer. The cocoon-like forms of the TALENT INCUBATORS emerge as over-sized sculptures through the roof. Weaving between them is the orange space-time spiral, leading into the courtyard of the special exhibition, before diving underneath the forecourt and into the existing building.
Al Mawalih Souk of Life

Al Mawalih Souk of Life

The Children’s Center is an important step in the revival of the AL Mawalih Souk of Life. It is a place for the entire family. A library, a small theatre, and a cafe defined by picnic niches, reading and creative areas offer a wide range of amenities. haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 have, together with the specialist consultants Transsolar KlimaEngineering, developed a wide-ranging sustainable strategy combining state-of-the-art technology with local traditions and materials, thus enabling the abandonment of central air conditioning.
Alnatura Campus

Alnatura Campus

Open, simple, sustainable, and people-orientated describes the newly constructed building of Alnatura Working Environment.

Yuanyuan Wu


Mercedes Benz Cultural Center

Mercedes Benz Cultural Center

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 won 3rd prize for the Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center in Bejing, China
Experimenta  Heilbronn, Germany

Experimenta Heilbronn, Germany

Visitors are greeted with a welcoming gesture. The building opens to all sides, embracing the outdoor space as an integral part of the distinctly exploratory architecture. The extension of the Experimenta floats above the forecourt, before the view of the visitor opens into a fantastic, multi-storey foyer. The cocoon-like forms of the TALENT INCUBATORS emerge as over-sized sculptures through the roof. Weaving between them is the orange space-time spiral, leading into the courtyard of the special exhibition, before diving underneath the forecourt and into the existing building.
Mercedes-Benz Campus

Mercedes-Benz Campus

The Mercedes-Benz Campus is intended as the crowning element of Stuttgart’s Neckarpark. “High Tech – High Nature”. What better symbolizes a worthwhile future? The lake in the centre of the campus serves as an energy engine; its role is to help in making aspects of renewable energy understandable. With the "Wave" and other public activities, the visitor himself is encouraged to be part of the spectacle. We have the responsibility for shaping our future ourselves! Both the Campus and the Future Center therefore do not focus on objects, but on people; their movement, their behaviour and their ambitions, people undertaking research, experimenting and sharing their experience in striving to develop a better future.
