Expo 2015, Milan, Italy - German Pavillion

2012 – 2013

With the motto „Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life“ the World Expo in 2015 in Milan attempted toaddress a subject central to human development, and to open our eyes to its relevance for all our futures. Due to its cultural diversity, strength in innovation and general competence, Germany is in the fortunate position being able to address such a challenge through wide-ranging approaches and potential exhibitors.

Germany as a stage for ideas.

The architecture is used to structure a specific stage. The exhibition is to deliver a welcoming and clearly legible message for the visitor to successfully and enthusiastically navigate, as well as understand, the complex connections between the extensive themes of the Expo.

Germany invites

The unusual is visible from afar; neither an enclosed house, nor a neatly packaged box awaits the visitor. Instead the visitor is offered a distinctly inviting gesture, a place of stimulation and relaxation. A meadow slopes gently towards the approaching visitor, suggestive and perhaps a little ironic.

A piece of the German landscape idyll

The roof canopy, as a “Room of Ideas”, provides the framework for a unique production. It both illuminates and shelters the visitor from the extremes of the sun or summer showers. Viewed up closely it offers much, much more. With the feeling of being in the right place the visitor is led through the “Room of Ideas”; the visitor is encouraged to become an integral part of the spectacle.

​Contribute and Share!

In addition to the home of the largest zoetrope in the world, the special quality of the pavilion lies in the unforgettable combination of architecture, exhibition and experience. Emerging from beneath the canopy after watching a short concert or enjoying a picnic, the visitor is left with a joyful, lasting memory of the German contribution to the Expo.

Short Facts
Federal Department of Business & Technology, Bonn / Germany
Planing Team
Architect haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050

Structural Engineering
Werner Sobek – Stuttgart / Germany

Exhibition Concept
Atelier Markgraph – Frankfurt am Main / Germany

Media Installation
Art & Com – Berlin / Germany

 Green Technologies – Stuttgart / Germany

Landscape Architecture
 Büro Baubotanik – Stuttgart / Germany

Visitor Management
LORD Cultural Resources – London / UK
3rd Prize / Germany as a stage for ideas – "Contribute and Share"
7,300 m2 GFA


David Cook

Partner Freier Architekt, BA (hons), Dip. Arch (dist), RIBA, BDA

Als Projektpartner bei Behnisch Architekten war David Cook von 1995-2005 verantwortlich für das Harbourside Center (Konzert- und Tanztheater) in Bristol, Großbritannien, das Dänische Nationalarchiv (NPAC) in Kopenhagen, Dänemark, sowie für das Terrence Donnelly Center für zelluläre und biomolekulare Forschung (TDDCBR) an der Universität von Toronto, Kanada. Als Partner bei Behnisch Architekten zwischen 2005-2012 war David Cook verantwortlich für die Hilde-Domin-Schule in Herrenberg, das Nationalzentrum für Tumorerkrankungen (NCT) in Heidelberg, die Schwetzinger-Terrasse-Kindertagesstätte in Heidelberg, sowie für das Gebäude des Hauptsitzes King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD) in Riyadh, Saudi-Arabien. Er hat an einer Vielzahl von Campus- / Masterplaning-Projekten gearbeitet, darunter UC Dublin, Irland und der Sanierung des Lower Don in Toronto, Kanada. David Cook war auch Co-Kurator der sehr erfolgreichen Wanderausstellung "Ökologie, Design, Synergie" durch Deutschland.

Nach 6 Jahren der Partnerschaft gründet Cook, zusammen mit Martin Haas und Stephan Zemmrich, im April 2012 sein eigenes Büro haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 mit Projekten im In- und Ausland.

David Cook war Belluschi-Gastprofessor für Architektur an der Universität von Oregon, USA. Er pflegt weiterhin eine enge Beziehung zu der Universität und kehrt regelmäßig für Gastvorträge an die Universität zurück.


Leibniz Innovation Centre for Sustainable Bioeconomy

Leibniz Innovation Centre for Sustainable Bioeconomy

An exemplary project for building with recycled materials and circular construction
Königstraße 1ab

Königstraße 1ab

An exemplary project for the reuse of components and materials


Campus HafenCity

Campus HafenCity





haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 are awarded the contract for the VielArten building community project in Tübingen
Rammed earth residential house in Heilbronn, Germany

Rammed earth residential house in Heilbronn, Germany

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 are planing a rammed earth residential house at the Neckarbogen in Heilbronn, Germany.
Smart Mobility Hub

Smart Mobility Hub

With the Smart Mobility Hub, an innovative, mixed-use building is being created in the heart of Stuttgart that will incorporate sustainable mobility, city logistics and sharing concepts, among other things.
Elementary School and Kindergarden in Bremen

Elementary School and Kindergarden in Bremen

First place for haascookzemmrich STUDIO 2050
Berliner Platz

Berliner Platz

First place for haascookzemmrich STUDIO 2050

Ilyas Ekizoglu


Mercedes Benz Cultural Center

Mercedes Benz Cultural Center

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 won 3rd prize for the Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center in Bejing, China
Lielais Laukums

Lielais Laukums

The annual Ventspils summer festival of 2016 marked the inauguration of „The Walfisch“. This large piece of public art, serves as the centerpiece of an expansive urban redevelopment program in the Baltic City of Ventspils. Inspired by the seafaring traditions of this historic port a dynamic arrangement of masts emerge from the mists above the large reflecting waterpool. The sculpture provides Lielais Laukums, the city’s main public square, with a unique attraction providing visitors with clues as to the rich history of the region. Animated by fountains the sculpture is transformed at night by lighting effects. The sculpture will be complemented by the new Music School / Concert Hall with construction to completed in March 2019 and inauguration in Summer 2019 in recognition of the national centenary celebrations.
Expo 2015, Milan, Italy - German Pavillion

Expo 2015, Milan, Italy - German Pavillion

With our proposal for the German Pavilion, we strived to create a symbol for the manner in which our society deals with natural resources and avoid the obvious pitfalls of showing a piece of beautiful packaging.
Mercedes-Benz Campus

Mercedes-Benz Campus

The Mercedes-Benz Campus is intended as the crowning element of Stuttgart’s Neckarpark. “High Tech – High Nature”. What better symbolizes a worthwhile future? The lake in the centre of the campus serves as an energy engine; its role is to help in making aspects of renewable energy understandable. With the "Wave" and other public activities, the visitor himself is encouraged to be part of the spectacle. We have the responsibility for shaping our future ourselves! Both the Campus and the Future Center therefore do not focus on objects, but on people; their movement, their behaviour and their ambitions, people undertaking research, experimenting and sharing their experience in striving to develop a better future.
