• Stuttgart / 23 January 2020 / Competition

    Competition "Extension for the Theaterhaus"

    The decision was made in the architectural competition, that was announced throughout europe for the extension of the so called Theaterhaus in Stuttgart. Our contribution transitioned into the final round of judgement where 9 of the 19 teams remained.​
  • Beijing / 15 February 2019 / Competition

    Mercedes Benz Cultural Center

    haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 won 3rd prize for the Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center in Bejing, China
  • Helsinki / 13 February 2019 / Competition


    Eine elfköpfige Jury hat unter 1715 eingereichten Entwürfen aus 77 Nationen sechs Finalisten ausgewählt. Als einziges deutsches Büro war haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 mit dabei!
  • Heilbronn / 23 January 2019 / Competition

    Experimenta Heilbronn, Germany

    Visitors are greeted with a welcoming gesture. The building opens to all sides, embracing the outdoor space as an integral part of the distinctly exploratory architecture. The extension of the Experimenta floats above the forecourt, before the view of the visitor opens into a fantastic, multi-storey foyer. The cocoon-like forms of the TALENT INCUBATORS emerge as over-sized sculptures through the roof. Weaving between them is the orange space-time spiral, leading into the courtyard of the special exhibition, before diving underneath the forecourt and into the existing building.
  • Milan / 22 January 2019 / Competition

    Expo 2015, Milan, Italy - German Pavillion

    With our proposal for the German Pavilion, we strived to create a symbol for the manner in which our society deals with natural resources and avoid the obvious pitfalls of showing a piece of beautiful packaging.
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