• Hannover / 07 November 2023 / Realized


    The new corporate headquarters of Enercity in Hanover, designed by haas cook zemmrich STUDIO2050, has been opened.
  • Legau / 28 October 2022 / Realized

    Rapunzel Naturkost Visitor Center

    Visiting Rapunzel: haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 is planning the new Visitor Center for the head quarters of the organic manufacturer Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH in Legau.
  • Walldorf / 28 November 2019 / Realized


    The project "Promega Under One Roof" unites all functional areas and subsidiaries of Promega Corp under a new single roof. Currently these functions are spread under different buildings in Mannheim.
  • Ventspils / 30 July 2019 / Realized

    Regional Music School and Concert Hall

    haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 will be completing the planning and construction of the Concert Hall and Music School in Ventspils. Construction started in Fall 2016. The opening is scheduled for 2019 in celebration of Latvia's 100th anniversary.
  • Ventspils / 15 February 2019 / Realized

    Lielais Laukums

    The annual Ventspils summer festival of 2016 marked the inauguration of „The Walfisch“. This large piece of public art, serves as the centerpiece of an expansive urban redevelopment program in the Baltic City of Ventspils. Inspired by the seafaring traditions of this historic port a dynamic arrangement of masts emerge from the mists above the large reflecting waterpool. The sculpture provides Lielais Laukums, the city’s main public square, with a unique attraction providing visitors with clues as to the rich history of the region. Animated by fountains the sculpture is transformed at night by lighting effects. The sculpture will be complemented by the new Music School / Concert Hall with construction to completed in March 2019 and inauguration in Summer 2019 in recognition of the national centenary celebrations.
  • Stuttgart / 11 February 2019 / Realized

    Office Renovation

    haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 has completed the renovation of offices in Stuttgart offering panoramic views over the rooftops of the city.
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